Replacement Parts

Breaking a piece of Droll Designs has often been described to us as "Heartbreaking". But don't worry, we can replace broken or lost parts. Even if the pattern has been discontinued!

Just give us a call at (508) 932-2574 or send us an email and we will be happy to help you.

Since Droll Designs has been in business for over 30 years, making older replacement parts can bring about unforeseen problems, (it may take more than one try to get the perfect fit). If a second replacement piece has to be made, the customer will not be charged. Shipping cost of returned items are the responsibility of the customer. Paints and kilns have changed over the years making colors slightly different. Because items are made to order, there are no refunds. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.

Part prices are as follows:

BISCUIT JAR/LARGE: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $172.00
BISCUIT JAR/MEDIUM: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $118.25
BISCUIT JAR/SMALL: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $92.45
BUTTER DISH: Lid - $64.50, Bottom - $64.50
BUTTER SET: Lid - $64.50, Bottom - $55.90
CACHE POT: Lid - $43.00, Bottom - $150.50
CANISTER/LARGE: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $107.50
CANISTER/MEDIUM: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $86.00
CANISTER/SMALL: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $75.25
CANISTER/X-LARGE: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $150.50
CASSEROLE/HANDLED: Lid - $86.00, Bottom - $175.00
CASSEROLE/MEDIUM OVAL: Lid - $86.00, Bottom - $161.25
CASSEROLE/ROUND: Lid - $73.10, Bottom - $137.60
CHEESE DOME: Lid - $75.25, Bottom - $64.50
COFFEE POT: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $137.60
COOKIE JAR: Lid - $53.75, Bottom - $322.50
COOKIE JAR/CANISTER: Lid - $43.00, Bottom - $279.50
COVERED CAKE STAND: Lid - $225.75, Bottom - $225.75
COVERED POT/LARGE: Lid - $92.45, Bottom - $182.75
COVERED POT/SMALL: Lid - $86.00, Bottom - $139.75
HONEY POT: Lid - $25.80, Bottom - $129.00
MEMORIAL POT: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $137.60
NAPKIN RING: Holder - $45.15, Ring - $17.20
OLIVE SET: Small Dish - $15.05, Large Dish - $36.55
PIE DISH: Lid - $65.95, Bottom - $65.50
POACHER/LARGE: Lid - $53.75, Bottom - $92.45
POACHER/MEDIUM: Lid - $53.75, Bottom - $86.00
POACHER/SMALL: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $64.50
SALT or PEPPER SHAKER: Each - $86.00
SEDER SET: Small Dish - $15.05, Platter - $199.95
SERVING BOWL/LARGE: Lid - $73.10, Bottom - $189.20
SERVING BOWL/SMALL: Lid - $53.75, Bottom - $137.60
SQUARE BOX: Lid - $32.25, Bottom - $92.45
SOUP TUREEN: Lid - $73.10, Bottom - $376.25, Ladle - $45.35
SOUP TUREEN/OVAL: Lid - $73.10, Bottom - $417.10, Ladle - $45.35, Platter - $144.05
SOUP TUREEN/PAGODA: Lid - $73.10, Bottom - $417.10
SUGAR BOWL/LARGE: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $64.50
SUGAR BOWL/SMALL: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $53.75
TEA FOR ONE: Lid - $34.25, Middle - $92.45, Cup - $64.50
TEAPOT/LARGE: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $182.75
TEAPOT/SMALL: Lid - $34.25, Bottom - $129.00

Now you can forgive your kids, the dog or just the little gnome who lives in your house called "not me" who broke your Droll.